Thursday 3 May 2012

Progression- Extras in my Portfolio

Contents Page:

I formatted this page as I went along with the others to add sections and page numbers and I then began to add images as little 'previews' for each project:

I made use of my fonts on this page and also the brush stroke effects to give it that magazine style finish.

Final Page:

This page was just used to sum up the portfolio and show it was at its end:

Again, I just made use of my fonts and other effects such as drop shadow and my ellipse tool to keep this page in theme with the rest of the portfolio.

Disc Cover:



I formatted a disc cover by copying and pasting the main elements from my portfolio and adding key details such as the module title and the blog URL.

If i had allowed myself more time I would have like to create a Disc Sticker for the front of the CD. I did not realise I had to give notice in for this service and therefore could not get it done. This is something I will keep in mind for future projects, however. 

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