Tuesday 1 May 2012

Progression- Project 2

Debenhams Styling Project

I did not have to do a massive amount to this project to rework it. This was the photography/styling project we had with Debenhams and the feedback was mainly concerning our time management and research. However, in regards to the images we were told that they were more suited to a beauty styling shot rather than a store promotion shoot.

This fits in perfectly well with my magazine layout theme as the bold colours and props fit in much better with a magazine styling shoot that can afford to be a bit more creative and not so corporate.

Therefore I just re-edited the images slightly to increase the colour vibrancy and make the images really pop! I then added a title and text to the image to say clothes prices, etc. to make it seem like a spread in a magazine.

I formatted it into my report and kept my colours consistent with both the portfolio and the images by creating my own colour theme on kuler.com

 I think this was a great project to include as it works really well with my theme. The only downside to it is I have created double page spreads for this section, but I have been unable to create my portfolio in Indesign as I started to have problems re-opening work in the program and it made it difficult to keep re-editing. I therefore had to switch to illustrator which does not have the facing pages function. However, you can still see the images as a double page in PDF, it is just not as effective or does not have the interactive page curl that I wanted.

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