Wednesday 18 April 2012

Layout Inspirations: Programs/Guides

I have not only found inspirational layout design with WAH's Book.
I visited Isle of White festival last year and bought a guide whilst I was there, which was basically a book with some great imagery and really good graphics. Here are some examples:

 The guide is formatted centred around the festival, and therefore has a big music vibe. I enjoy music and this kind of a layout would reflect my interests a great deal. However, I would not say music plays a massive part in my life and therefore think this would not be a suitable way to represent myself. It may also look like I want a carreer in the world of music also, which would be good if it happened but it is not an area where I am planning on headingt.

The colours are all really bright yet muted down to create some gorgeous colours. The opacity levels wil be working overtime if I create my CV?portfolio around this style. However, I like the relaxed vibe it produces.

I also checked out a guide from Comedian Jimmy Carr's tour recently, which has been formatted with Jimmy in it to make a really interesting booklet rather than just a set list of what is on tin the show. Although I would not necessarily style my portfolio in the same way, he has some really funky looking images and styling shots with illustration thrown in for good meaure.

(Please xcuse the upside down Pictures!)

Whilst both of the guides I have looked at may not be directly related to what I am doing, they have both offered me some great information and example, especially in terms of colour and font.

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