Sunday 22 April 2012

Projects: Choosing My Work

Definite Choices:

1) Topshop Vibe Project- PR

When we got the brief there was one project that I knew immediately I wanted to include in the portfolio, and this was my product development project we did last semester. This project involved us coming up with a concept for a new product or service with an existing brand and creating a promotional camaign around it. My idea was Topshop Vibe- Topshop's own in-store Cafe.

To promote it I created a teaser webpage and a 2D window display. I also created a press pack a goody bag and an example blog post on the brands blog page. Here is my work:

Press Pack

Goody Bag

Blog Page


Window Display

I really enjoyed this project and felt that I threw myself into it because of it. I was really pleased with all of my promotional materials and will therefore be including them in my digital portfolio. I also feel that this project reflects the area of expertise I want to enter when I graduate- PR and promotion. However, I do have to make adjustments from the feedback that I obtained:

The feedback states that my promo materials are good but that the weakest out of them all is my webpage. I felt this at the time of hand in when I looked at all of my work as a whole and felt that the webpage was my least favourite. Louise says the design is too kitsch for Topshop and I can definitely see what she means. Therefore, I plan to redesign the webpage to be me more suited to the brand.

2) T-Shirt Project

For this we had to design T-shirts for a childrens-wear range Respect. We also had to create trend boards to show the inspiration for our designs:


My feedback was again on research and progression, however, it also comments on how my trends do not match my designs. I therefore plan to rework my trend boards to show where my inspiration came from more clearly.

Projects to Consider:

3) Maybelline Project:

This project involved creating a press pack and a website to promote an existing product for a brand- which we (group project) used Maybelline for.

Press Pack:



I really like my press pack design and it is in the field that inerests me most- PR.However, the problem I have using this project is that none of the imagery used is my own as it is an existing product that we used.

4) Debenhams Photography Project:

This was another group project to style images for a Debenhmas range- we had Matthew Williamson.

We did not get the best marks for this as our feedback showed our target market was a little off and also, the images did not work for Debenhams as a brand. However, this could be the perfect chance for me to rework and use them in a style that suits them more!

Backstage Video:

5) Heineken App Project

This project involved creating an app for a chosen brand, I chose to do one on Heineken as I visited their Brewery in February and had lots of inspiring ideas. My app was a game centred around the olympic games this summer:

If I was to rework this project I would definitely update my downloads page as the images are stretched. However, I am unsure on what else I could do with this project and as of yet have not received my mark or feedback and therefore, I will probably discount this project.

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