Saturday 7 April 2012

More Magazine- Other interesting Articles

More Magazine also has tips for writing cover letters an interview techniques. Whislt they are not directly relevant to the creation for my portfolio, I think they are worth a look as it is all part of trying to land that perfect job!

More Magazine: Cover Letters

Nailing an Interview

How Volunteering Can help you get Work

Interview: Body Language

One of their articles online included this video from More's deputy editor with more tips for writing CV's and Cover letters:

I think the section in this video "Don't be too Wacky" is really good. It has reminded me whilst this is a project for Uni and does need to be creative and innovative, it is important to keep in mind that at the end of it I will have something to send out to potential employers. Therefore, I should not go overboard with my design and really push the limits of what I can do as it could end up having the opposite effect that I want. Instead, I should play to my strengths and remember to keep any prospective employers in mind.

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