Tuesday 3 April 2012


Welcome to my Digtial Portfolio Blog!

This blog has been set up to document my research and progression for a University project where I will be creating my own digital portfolio.

So, here is The Brief:

Present a 'Digital' portfolio for assessment, which contains a minimum of 3 projects. All projects must be re-worked, select the projects that best demonstrates your skills and area of focus this stage.

You must design a CV and a contents page for the beginning of your portfolio and each project must be introduced by a project title page, which again has been designed specifically for this assessment. It would be beneficial to consider the inclusion of self initiated projects which concentrates on rectifying areas of weakness identified by yourself or your tutors throughout the semester.

Your CV must contain the following:
  • Name (no Mr, Ms, Miss required)
  • Address (both term and home)
  • Tel.No. (include mobile no. if appropriate)
  • Email Address (Consider what it says about yourself)
  • Date of Birth
  • Driving Licence (Full?)
  • Personal Statement (Summarise your aspirations, goals and ambitions- personal and career. Mention particular interests and skills which contribute to your abilities. Approximately 6-7 sentences.)
  • Education/Qualifications (Most recent first- simplify GCSE results)
  • Work Experience (Most recent first. Include dates, employer, responsibilities, skills developed. Relevent Experience, to include activities from which you have learned. Identify any outcomes relevant to you as a person, and your subject specific skill base. This section may also include awards, competition success.)
As always attention must be paid to the innovation and creativity of your idea and the way it is presented. You must demonstrate an awareness and appreciation of current trends and promotion through the following:
  • A brand for yourself?
  • Portfolio Projects
  • Contents Page
  • Project header "page"
  • CV
Learning Outcomes:
L1) Identify and implement research and development
L8) Evaluate and assess responses to chosen solutions
L9) Select, justify and apply appropriate methods of presentation/layout
L15) Apply writing skills to a proffessional standard across a range of academic requirements
L10) Demonstrate a professional level of computer competence in relation to graphic solutions

Assessment Requirements and Process:
Work will be submitted in a portfolio containing a purpose designed CD, Printed CV and Sketchbook (or Blog) in VB320 on 3rd of May- 2:30pm


  1. Theme ideas (how the portfolio can be presented and what best represents you)
  2. Re-worked development of existing projects
  3. Development of digital and paper based CV
Digital Portfolio containing minimum 3 projects must be in PDF consider the following:
Setup: File max size 40MB (size: 768 x 1024 - 72 dpi required)
  1. Front Page
  2. Contents page design
  3. Project title page design
  4. Digital CV + Paper based CV
  5. Project Pages
  6. CD and Cover to contain digital submission
Keyword Information (word file on CD/USB stick)
  1. Title
  2. Description
  3. URL name (oneword) 12 characters max
  4. Keywords 20 max separated by commas
Criteria for Assesment:
  • L1) Research and Development (30%)
  • L8, L10) Creativity and Innovation (30%)
  • L9, L10) Presentation and technical ability (30%)
  • L15) Writing ability (10%)
Important note: This project makes up 60% of your final module mark

As you can see there is a lot to get through but as always the first place to start is with research. I will start researching creative examples of CV's and digital portfolios to get some inspiration for layout and design. I will then start to think about my projects from this past year and decide which 3 will best showcase my abilities.


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